Friday, June 4, 2010

SAN GIMIGNANO – “Of Fine Towers”

• The sun was out in force again, so packed up and took off to San Gimignano. It’s only about a 20 minute drive from home. Approaching the crest of the hills, this walled town looks like a ‘Medieval Manhattan’. In fact, upon arrival, I’m sure half of Manhattan had moved in – MOLTO AMERICANO! I overheard a Yankee couple talking about how THEY THOUGHT the climate changes here would deteriorate the brick work on the buildings. Given construction was in the 13th century, I think Mr and Mrs Yankee were somewhat incorrect (AND NOT THAT BRIGHT). Best to keep those thoughts to yourself Yankee’s!
• There is an abundance of art here so I spent much of the morning strolling in and out of beautiful little galleries. There is one in particular I’ve taken a shining too so I will definitely return. There are no prices on any of the works, just a corresponding catalogue number and I will be interested to see the costs. No doubt, if the price isn’t on the pieces, I cannot afford it!
• The sale of leather goods, silver jewellery, local Chianti, cheese and meats are also prevalent here and Gelataria’s are around every turn – perfect for this warm summers’ day!
• All in all, this is one cracker of a little town and I’ll be back!
P.S. Here is a link of images to my little town care of GOOGLE -'elsa&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=ekkJTLbrF8eFOI3e1e4P&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CDQQsAQwAw

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