Wednesday, June 16, 2010


• I’ve had a rest for a bit, from the camera and the blog updating. The last few days I’ve spent checking out some local villages and Poggibinsi – which is a fairly substantial town at the ‘bottom of the hills’. It’s only 10 minutes away and has many more services than my little village.
• Today my only goal was to find a nice beach. What I didn’t know upon my previous visit to Verragio, is that only 15 minutes south is a delightful sea side town Torre del Lago. There’s no information about it in the Lonely Plant – it was an English travel writer living here, that kindly gave me the heads up. There’s plenty to do for the sun soaked travellers.
• The pictures of the umbrellas and sun chairs are replicated across probably 60 – 70 entrances here along the shore line. I found a suitable one, and had a good old sit in the sun.
• Flags flying above the entrances dictate whom you’re likely to find on that part of the beach. Italian, German, British, French etc and of course the Rainbow flag are scattered along certain entrances to the beaches. Along the shore line, there are dozens and dozens of bars, restaurants and pubs filled will sun drenched people, bicycles, scooters, dogs, and cars packed in for the day.
• The day was beautiful and hot and I’m pleased I’ve found a great beach here!

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